Quite a massage is Quite a massage. I have been trying out in home massages, just to see how it all works. I get massages regularly at other locations. I found quite a massage by accident and went online to book. the website was a super simple yet clean design… lol…I know you are probably wondering what this has to do with massage, I look at everything when choosing someone to come to my house. Anyway, I book online on Thursday of Friday of last week. She arrived and got set up. I REALLY didn’t know what to expect, but OMG… her hands are freaking AWESOME. We were talking a bit and I told her I dont like deep tissue, because people tend to dig around and it hurts more when they leave then before they came. She somehow managed to go deep and smooth over areas, that I know where jacked without hurting me. Love, love, love Stephanie. I told her everyone in the world needs to feel these hands. I haven’t told her yet, but she is my new massage therapist. And her price is SUPER reasonable. better get in on this while you can… lol