I like you, Auburn. You remind me of the little town in NH that I grew up in. People around here seem to have a sense of town pride which I admire and hope to instill in my own children. Conducting business in the Town Hall is reminiscent of of my childhood when people chatted freely and smiled while they worked. You got to know your neighbors and town officials which is always helpful. The Post Office employees are fast to remember faces if not names and always have a treat or 2 for patient children. Our neighbors are good hardworking people who check on each other, be it out of concern or just because. You are also cleaner and quieter than your big sister Worcester, but she’s seeking help for that. I once thought that you were comprised of mostly car dealerships, fast food joints, and a mall. We’ve been here for a year and a half now and I value your location. If we need the Mass Pike, it’s 2 miles away. If I need the quiet and solitude of the woods, it’s also 2 miles away. I’ve learned to appreciate you Auburn. Thank you for being a well run small town in Massachusetts.