Staggering out of the owl in logan square I stumbled upon what appeared to be a food cart with pig logos. not your 2×4’s and a igloo cooler food cart, but one of those hot dog steamer type carts… hmmmmmm, me tummy thinks there’s a something a worth investigating. Just opened up last week, this dude has a cart filled with Dr. Pepper marinated Chipotle Pulled pork and he tops it with a homemade sweet relish that he lays on a bun of noms. Holy flesh in my mouth now please. Good amount of heat and balanced sweets to soak up my 3 floyds adventures this evenings. I can only imagine this on some tamales or even hot dog lady’s encased meats… hopefully one day these food cart people will orgy up and bukakke out some hybrid street noms like they have in other big cities. /hiccup. ps. found his facebook page.