I can’t for the life of me figure out how this place hasn’t been reviewed yet. I would not take my bike anywhere else! This is a small business owner who is an expert at repairing bikes. I bought my bike here and brought it back to get a new seat a few weeks ago. I dropped it off expecting to pick it up in a day or two and he called me back in an hour and a half! He put a new seat on, tuned up my breaks and fixed a problem I had with my gears all for 40 bucks! Unbelievable! He even went outside with me to see me test ride my bike so the seat was the perfect height. Parking lot is kind of small but I’ve never had a problem. I’m getting a new bike soon cause I’ve had mine around 10 years and I ride a lot. This is the only place I’ll go! Like I said, he’s a small business owner and wants to make you happy. If he doesn’t have what your looking for he’ll try to order it for you. It’s so great to go in and talk to someone who has so much knowledge and love for bikes cause he’s been doing it his whole life. 5 Stars!