Lamborn is great with pain management(NUMBME!) and styling pretty pearly whites — even on a budget. I think I spent less than $ 2,000 on 14 fillings, 4 bondings and all the x-rays, exams. He has huge bear paws that are terrifying if you’re crazy enough to watch while he sticks the needle in you but he’s always willing to do a topical and then the needle which gets everything good and numb. They’re not stingy with the gas if you get nervous(extraction). He has a bunch of offensive bumper stickers on the ceiling. He has a soothing slow speech pace which is nice when he’s in your mouth for long periods of time. Also if you’re getting a cleaning i can’t recommend Mary enough, but don’t request her, because then I’ll never get an appt. with her again, the competition is stiff as it is.