Camptown works with schools, community centers, churches, youth groups, home school students, after school programs, and individuals to design programs that meet specific needs. Their desire is to provide an experience that brings maximum benefits for each group according to age, maturity, and physical ability. Today, as an employee of Wells Fargo, a group of us volunteered to assist Camptown in taking two groups of disadvantaged youth from the inter-city to enjoy a day in nature. The event was held at Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park. The 60 students ranged in ages 6 – 12 and were divided up into 4 groups of 15 students to participate in 4 activities. I helped lead the scavenger hunt nature hike, while other WF volunteers helped with the fishing, canoeing, and team building games. All students participated in each event which lasted about 45 minutes each. I have to admit that I chose this event because being a newby to Indiana, I wanted to learn more about the local flora and fauna. I learned that the Tulip Tree is the state tree… and that 7 states(including IN) have the Cardinal as their state bird :-) The volunteers helped set up the events as well as clean up at the end. We were exhausted by the end of the day but were rewarded by hugs from some of the kids… some who had never been to a state park or enjoyed nature. I’d like to participate in this event again next year.