i willattach pictures of the rear deck which after 16 months was near collapse. no flashing whatsoever. the front deck has to be redone as well. the load of the rock siding over the garage has no support and has begun to sag. extremely lousy quality. all in the name of short-cuts…here is text and foto from the fellow that is doing the job correctly: Good Morning Dan Fisher, Attached are some pics of the progress so far. Things are looking good. I think we will be able to solve the problem with no problems. As you can see in the pictures, all the plywood was soaked from the leaking, and along the wall and around the rock colums there was no flashing orginally installed. In some places there are pretty big gaps. This is your problem and can be fixed with some flashing. Thanks. Let me know what you think about the pics. John CLICKONLINKBELOW: INCREDIBLE