Very unprofessional lady! In the middle of my C-section she asked me if I was related to Dr. fanny she didn’t think I could hear her she was being a smart ass and her husband at the time said are you ok to me? I said yes but I can hear everything she said and I hurt my feelings really bad knowing that this was my first child my first experience having a baby and a C-section and for her to talk like this where I can hear what she saying was very inappropriate and unprofessional on her part I don’t know if she was making fun of my last name my weight which she needs to lose some pounds herself!!! or what but she is not a good person and all she did was talk about people the whole time during the c-section doctors you need to watch what you say because people are listening and I’m going to tell it !!! Michelle why are you a Doctor? You have no respect for women! Just because I was medicated doesn’t mean I didn’t know what was going on what do you think I was stupid or something?