If you have never had a Chinese massage, you need to try one! Very different than what you may be used to, this uses pressure points, and includes much movement of your arms and legs to different positions. This spa is very spacious with many rooms. Some of the massage therapists are wonderful. Their hours are also very good, open 7 days a week from 10am to 10pm. At this location, you have the possibility of getting one of the best massages every. Unfortunately, if you hit at a busy time, your massage may have interruptions. There was one time that my person left a number of times to answer the door or phone, only to come back, apologize, and tell me that another person would be taking over my massage. Then she left, and a third person came in and started touching me. It was anything but relaxing. Also, many of the massage therapists are not very good with English and trying to explain a problem in the middle of a massage to now yet a third person whose English was not as good as the first is quite unsettling. I finally left in the middle of my massage. The other down side is that they demand you pay them in full at the beginning, and keep asking you if you are going to pay a tip. «You must pay tip now!» Excuse me? How do I know if I liked it? All in all, most of my experiences here have been fairly positive, with just one REALLY bad experience, and the constant annoyance of paying a tip before you know if you had a good massage.