This niche non-profit provides a lot of great information and resources to families throughout the state of Missouri on services, skilled providers, support groups and more to educate professionals, caregivers, family members and survivors of brain injury. Most of the time people don’t seek out an organization like BIA-MO unless they or someone they know has incurred a brain injury and they’re seeking information that is incredibly hard to find online, even by today’s standards. BIA-MO’s impact is statewide and includes facilitating support groups and social recreation activities, operating free regional Survivor & Family Seminars, a statewide conference for professionals(including physicians, counselors, occupational and physical therapists, school nurses, and state workers) who work with survivors of brain injury, advocacy for statewide services in the State Capitol, a toll-free Information and Referral phone line, and a summer camp for adult survivors of brain injury to provide fun for campers as well as a week of respite from caregivers.