Coffee republic has been my choice of cofffee shops along with starbucks. There is something about the set up that I like, can’y quite puot my finger on it. This particular one is perfect for post/pre movie chat. It has wifi which is essential in my view for any coffee shop. It is refreshing also to know that it is actually free, can you believe the cheek some coffee shops have for charging you? Especially certain starbucks, which I find unacceptable. I mean we are close to getting free wifi cities for heaven’s sake. I’m predicting that in the next 10 years or so, there will be free wifi broadband services for all to share. The deli menu has plenty of variations if you are feeling peckish and want a snack to go with your coffee. They even have a piri piri chicken sandwish(God bless the Nandos revolution) All in all this is a good little spot to check your emails or decide quickly over a coffee which film to watch by checking it on IMDB.