I went for a review to see if I was a candidate for a sleep study. This was spurred by a particularly embarrassing vacation during which all attendees could hear me snoring through all the walls. This does not make for friends or romance! After the interview, Dr. Schwartz decided I qualified. I have no neck. I snore. The actual sleep study was on a Friday night(I selected so as not to interfere with work). I arrived at 8 p.m. This I shall review separately. After the sleep study, I went back to see Dr. Schwartz, who is an increcibly affable and knowledgeble doctor, he shook my hand vigorously upon his entry to the examination room. Then, he proceeded to why the grandoise handshake. I was his best/worse patient. I stopped breathing 209 times every hour. His first two questions were: How is it that you are alive? How is it that you function? Well, I didn’t have a lot of answers to those questions. But the next step was getting a CPAP machine and seeing Dr. Schwartz a month later. This worked so well. I was incredibly apprehensive about this machine. Dr. Schwartz’s office offers CPAP clinics — a period during one day of the week you can get an appointment to review your machine and how it’s working for you. A nice addition. At the month appointment, I’d progressed to a three-month review. Now I’m at a six-month review. This is a fabulous approach. Dr. Schwartz contributes so much to the acceptance of this situation. He’s so congenial, pleasant and knowledgeable. Same for the office staff. Well, that’s done! At appointment, I’ve never had to wait more than 10 minutes. I’ve even arrived early at times, and I’m in quickly!